Squarespace Reviewed – Website Design and Affiliate Excellence

By on 8:07 PM

Website builders are a dime-a-dozen these days. It seems like every webhost out there has some sort of builder software for their clients. These range from decent to incredibly poor and difficult to use. However, Squarespace if making a significant difference here – their tagline, “publishing redefined” is certainly true. More than just a website design and hosting software, Squarespace is an experience that has been featured by the likes of the Wall Street Journal, Cnet and Business Week.

What Is Squarespace?

The first question that needs to be answered here is “what is it?” Squarespace provides you with the means to easily build a website that matches your goals and desires. Their unique software breaks each component of a website build into “bricks”. Like Legos®, you simply snap these bricks together into a design that does what you want – you get the site you want, along with a timeless, elegant, evocative design. Of course, Squarespace is more than just website design software – much more.

Managed Hosting and More

Template website designs are nothing new – WordPress alone has tens of thousands that run the gamut from cheesy to ultra-smooth. However, few of them come with hosting and help – Squarespace offers fully managed hosting plans for your website to ensure that not only do you get the website that you want and need, but that you’re free from the headaches of webhosting so that you can focus on what you do best, whether that’s blogging or running your business. And you get to try it free – with no risk at all.

Squarespace Styles

Of course, achieving the style that you want can be difficult. To help you here, Squarespace offers some of the very best templates out there – “un-templated”. All sites feature 60+ design variants from the world’s top brand name developers. Each one offers simple point and click controls so that you can customize your website to the nth degree if you so desire. It’s never been easier to get the exact website that you want for your customers, readers or visitors.

The Affiliate Program

In addition to offering one of the most robust and innovative website hosting and design platforms in the world, Squarespace also has a pretty tempting affiliate program. For those who have been involved with affiliate marketing in the past and felt burned by low-paying programs, this option is a refreshing difference.
To start, it’s incredibly simple – Squarespace gives you the ability to copy and paste ads to get started. That means no hassle and no headaches. Beyond this, you’ll find that the company actually pays up to 10x what you might earn from other programs, with none of those percentage plans or $2 payouts. Payment for a standard signup is $50, while an advanced package nets you $70. A business signup gives you $100.
Those are numbers that just can’t be argued with – and payout happens every 60 days via either check or electronic funds transfer. Finally, Squarespace offers an incredible window for affiliates. The initial period for referrals is 45 days. However, there is an addition 30-day window for referrals who chose to take advantage of the trial program, giving you a 75-day window.

The Verdict

So, how does Squarespace stack up? In terms of website building software and hosting, you won’t find anything better. Whether you’re a CSS developer or a blogger, a business owner or a CEO, Squarespace gives you incredible options when it comes to designing, developing and implementing websites. That power, versatility and dedication to quality leads directly to name recognition.
That name recognition ensures that their affiliates are able to earn a significant amount of money, and Squarespace’s generous payouts and industry-best referral windows mean that it’s never been easier to actually build a profitable affiliate program.

About Syed Faizan Ali

Faizan is a 17 year old young guy who is blessed with the art of Blogging,He love to Blog day in and day out,He is a Website Designer and a Certified Graphics Designer.


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